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Faculty Policies and Tips
- Do not require students to visit the Writing Center. This policy is maintained for two reasons. First, there is way more demand for Writing Center conferences than we are able to meet, so we simply do not have the ability to accommodate entire courses being required to come. Second, Writing Center conferences are much more productive and enjoyable--for tutors and writers--when writers come of their own volition. If you would like for all of your students to experience the Writing Center, please contact the Writing Center Director. In addition to brief class visits introducing your students to the Writing Center, the Director can also work with you to develop in-class workshops with Writing Center tutors or other programming tailored to your students.
- Do not give students extra credit for visiting the Writing Center. This policy is in place for the same reasons as the above policy.
- Provide written permission for students to discuss take-home exams with Writing Center tutors. In order to adhere to the Emory Honor Code, we ask that instructors provide written permission (on a syllabus, assignment sheet, or personal note) if they wish to allow students to receive peer feedback on take home exams. Without this written permission, we cannot conference with students on exams.
- Tell groups to come as groups. If students are working on a collaborative project, ask that all members of the group come together for a shared Writing Center conference.
- Communicate the role of the Writing Center clearly to your students. Include a section on your syllabus about the Writing Center by using or adapting the syllabus language we provide. In addition, consider requesting a five-minute class visit from one of our tutors.
- Give students clear, thorough, written assignment guidelines and ask them to bring those guidelines with them to their Writing Center conferences.
- Have students review our appointment policies for students.
- Encourage students to make Writing Center appointments at least three days in advance to increase their likelihood of securing an appointment. Our schedule often fills up several days in advance, and we can only take walk-ins on a very limited basis.