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Additional Emory Writing Support by School
This working document lists the various writing support services available for students, faculty, and staff at the schools of Emory University. Support services are organized alphabetically by school. If a service supports more than one school, it is listed under both.
Candler School of Theology
Back to topCandler Writing Program
- What: In-person consultations, tutoring sessions by appointment, walk-in tutoring sessions, writing workshops, assistance with academic writing, assistance with research skills, assistance with statements of purpose for graduate school applications.
- Who: Candler undergraduate and Candler graduate students
- Contact:
- Rev. Corwin Davis, Director of the Candler Writing Center
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Back to topCareer Center
- What: In-person consultations, assistance with job application materials, assistance with fellowship application materials.
- Who: Emory College undergraduate students only for in-person consultations; workshops for all students.
Emory Writing Center
Callaway Memorial Center N111
- What: Any writing project; in-person consultations, tutoring sessions by appointment, walk-in tutoring sessions, assistance with academic writing, assistance with job application materials, assistance with fellowship application materials, assistance with research skills, assistance with digital communication literacy/projects.
- Who: Emory College undergraduate students, Laney Graduate School students, School of Nursing students, Medical Imaging Program students, and Rollins School of Public Health students
- Contacts:
- Melissa Yang, Ph.D., Director
- Levin Arnsperger, Ph.D., Associate Director for English Language Learning
- Robert Birdwell, Ph.D., Professional Tutor and Developmental Editor
- Lex Hackney, M.A., Senior Program Coordinator
Peer Tutoring
- What: Content-specific support for math, science, languages, and the humanities, primarily at the 100 and 200 levels.
- Who: Emory College undergraduate students in ECAS classes only
- Contacts:
- Jolayna Palm, Assistant Director, Academic Success
English Language Learning Program
- What: In-person consultations, tutoring sessions by appointment, assistance with academic writing, courses for English language learners.
- Who: Support is offered to undergraduate students who are English language learners as well as instructors of classes with ELLs.
- Contacts:
- Jane O'Connor, Director
- Levin Arnsperger, Associate Director
Learning Assistance
- What: One-on-one consultation appointments to discuss study skills such as: time management, critical reading, memory and concentration, etc.
- Who: Emory College undergraduate students only
- Contact:
- Kate Kendall, Associate Director, Academic Success
Woodruff Library
- What: Offer workshops on Zotero, EndNote, and other writing and documentation software; offer space; sponsor the Woodruff Library-Writing Center fellowship for a graduate student to act as liaison between Woodruff Library and the Emory Writing Center.
- Who: Any Emory student, faculty, or staff
- Contact:
- Russ Peterson, Head of Instruction and Engagement
Emory School of Medicine
Back to topSciProConsulting
- What: Assistance with grant writing or editing.
- Who: School of Medicine students and researchers.
- Contacts:
- Susan O'Brien, (774) 836-3695
- Paula Schwed, (404) 290-3484
- Janet Gross, Research Solutions (404) 873-1569
- Jennifer Gooch
Goizueta Business School
Back to topCareer Management Center (BBA)
- What: In-person consultations, online consultations, tutoring sessions by appointment, walk-in tutoring sessions, Skype tutoring sessions, assistance with job application materials, assistance with fellowship application materials, assistance with digital communication literacy
- Who: BBA students only
- Contact: Danielle Fernandez, Associate Director, Graduate Career Management Center
Graduate Career Management Center
- What: In-person consultations, online consultations, assistance with job application materials.
- Who: MBA students only
Laney Graduate School
Back to topEmory Writing Center
Callaway Memorial Center N111
- What: Any writing project; in-person consultations, tutoring sessions by appointment, walk-in tutoring sessions, assistance with academic writing, assistance with job application materials, assistance with fellowship application materials, assistance with research skills, assistance with digital communication literacy/projects.
- Who: Emory College undergraduates, Laney Graduate School students, School of Nursing students, Medical Imaging Program students, and Rollins School of Public Health students
- Contacts:
- Melissa Yang, Ph.D.; Director
- Levin Arnsperger, Ph.D.; Associate Director for English Language Learning
- Robert Birdwell, Ph.D.; Professional Tutor and Developmental Editor
- Lex Hackney, M.A.; Senior Program Coordinator
English Language Support Program
- What: in-person consultations, assistance with academic writing, assistance with job application materials, classes, graduate student writing group
- Who: Laney graduate students only
- Contact: Heather Boldt, Director
Grant Writing Resources
- Who: Laney graduate students
- Contact: Katy E. Leonard, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Professional Development and Career Planning
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Back to topEmory Writing Center
Callaway Memorial Center N111
- What: Any writing project; in-person consultations, tutoring sessions by appointment, walk-in tutoring sessions, assistance with academic writing, assistance with job application materials, assistance with fellowship application materials, assistance with research skills, assistance with digital communication literacy projects.
- Who: Emory College undergraduates, Laney Graduate School students, School of Nursing students, Medical Imaging Program students, and Rollins School of Public Health students
- Contacts:
- Melissa Yang, Ph.D., Director
- Levin Arnsperger, Ph.D., Associate Director for English Language Learning
- Robert Birdwell, Ph.D., Professional Tutor and Developmental Editor
- Lex Hackney, M.A., Senior Program Coordinator
Office of Enrollment and Student Services
- What: In-person consultations, walk-in tutoring sessions, group tutoring, tutoring sessions by appointment
- Who: Nursing undergraduate, graduate, and professional students
- Contact: Arnita Howard, Senior Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Oxford College
Back to topOxford College Libraries
- Contacts:
- Kitty McNeill, Associate Dean and College Librarian
- Sarah Bankston, Asst. College Librarian
Oxford College Writing Center
- What: In-person consultations, walk-in tutoring sessions, assistance with academic writing, assistance with job application materials, assistance with research skills.
- Who: Oxford undergraduates
- Contact: Joseph Cheatle, Director
Rollins School of Public Health
Back to topCareer Services
- Who: All Rollins students
- Contacts:
- Jena Black, Director of Academic Affairs and Enrollment Operations
- Catherine Kiefer, Associate Director of Enrollment Operations
- Joanne Amposta Williams, Executive Director of Advancement and Student Affairs
English Language Learner Instruction
- What: Classes, workshops, and one-on-one meetings.
- Who: Rollins ELL students
- Contact:
- Hannah Nicol, Assistant Director, International Student Affairs & ELL
Academic Writing Services
- What: Writing tutoring services and workshops
- Who: All Rollins students
- Contact: Hannah Nicol, Assistant Director, International Student Affairs & ELL