School of Nursing & Medical Imaging Program
What do Writing Center Tutors and Fellows Do?
The Writing Center’s highly interdisciplinary staff of undergraduate tutors and graduate fellows are available to support BSN, MSN, DNP and PhD students in the school of nursing.
They can assist with a range of projects, including:
- Course papers
- Dissertation chapters
- Articles
- Posters
- Abstracts
- Grants
Through one-on-one consultations, they work with students at any stage of the writing process on any issues of concern, including:
- Idea development
- Structure
- Use of sources
- Grammar
- Word choice
Writing Center tutors do not proofread. Instead, their consultations equip you with strategies and resources you can continue to use as you write, revise, and edit on your own.
Tutors also support the literacy needs of English Language Learners; several tutors are ELL Specialists, who have received additional training.
Why Should I Visit the Writing Center?
In the anonymous exit surveys they complete after each appointment, students from across the disciplines consistently rate their Writing Center consultations as “excellent,” credit the center with making them better writers, and indicate that they would recommend the center to their friends.
Whether you consider yourself a strong writer or you’re struggling, everyone can benefit from discussing their work with a peer. Why not take advantage of this incredible resource?
Where is the Writing Center, and When is it Open?
The Writing Center is located in Callaway (north wing) room N-111.
The full staff of thirty-three undergraduate tutors and four graduate fellows is available for in-person and online consultations Sundays through Fridays. Check our hours page for more info.