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Laney Graduate School

Writing Center Support

  • Individual Consultations

Advanced graduate fellows, graduate tutors, and undergraduate tutors are available to support LGS students with a range of projects, including course papers, dissertation chapters, conference proposals, articles, posters, grants, and job application materials. Please create a WCOnline account to schedule up to two appointments per week.

LGS students can also make appointments with Dr. Robert Birdwell, a professional developmental editor, to workshop publications, either in WCOnline or by reaching out to Dr. Birdwell by email directly. Dr. Melissa Yang and Dr. Levin Arnsperger, the Director and Associate Director of the EWC, are occasionally available on the WCOnline schedule to tutor graduate student writers as well. Our highly interdisciplinary staff can work with folks from any discipline at any stage of the writing process. We do not proofread. Instead, our consultations equip you with strategies and resources you can continue to use as you write, revise, and edit on your own.

Please review our tutoring policies before your visit, including our recently updated policies and procedures for online appointments.

  • Dissertation Boot Camps

With the Woodruff Library, we co-host several dissertation boot camps for LGS students throughout the year. Participants set goals and work on their writing in a supportive environment. See dates and register on the Emory Libraries Events Calendar

  • Weekly Writing Group - Open to All LGS Students 

This year, we will continue co-hosting a weekly writing group with the LGS English Language Support Program. For the first hour, we write quietly, using the Pomodoro method. Those who can stay a second hour may continue writing or discuss their writing with a member of our staff.

Spring 2023 dates for LGS writing groups will be announced soon. Come every week or just when you can. No RSVP is needed. Heather Boldt is the contact person for the series, and the sessions are co-hosted by an EWC graduate fellow and professional staff.

Teaching Support

  • Individualized Consultations with Teaching Materials

Meet with any of our advanced graduate fellows or professional staff (all experienced teachers) to discuss how to develop meaningful learning outcomes, integrate writing in your course, or craft a compelling syllabus. Or meet with an undergraduate tutor for unique input on an assignment prompt. Tutors can offer their perspectives not just as undergraduate students themselves (your target audience) but as tutors who have deciphered assignment prompts with a large and diverse group of their peers.

  • Support for Your Students
Please encourage (but don’t require) the students you teach and mentor to visit the writing center. You can find syllabus language and learn how to request a class visit on our website.

  • Work Opportunities
We offer three advanced fellowships for LGS students each year and also work with the Woodruff Library Instruction and Engagement fellow. These fellowships offer unique opportunities to grow as a teacher and build your CV. Applications are due in February for positions beginning in August of the following academic year.
In addition, we occasionally hire early-career graduate students who would like to build professional experience by working as part-time tutors in the EWC. See our Work for Us page for more information.